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Upcoming Mini Seminars

Young Dogs

Instructor: Amanda Edstrom

Upcoming sessions: June 18, 2022 from 12-3 PM



Working spot at $80/team

Young Dog Short Sequences:

Fun, fast short sequences composed of tunnels and jumps. We will focus on building speed and drive in your teammate. We will also be working on the dogs ability to switch from collection to extension and back again. Suitable for any dogs sequencing at least 4-5 obstacles.

International Handling / Skills

Instructor: Amanda Edstrom

Upcoming sessions: TBD

Limit of 6 working teams

Audit spots available


Working spot at $80/team

Internationals Handing / Skills Short Sequences:

Short sequences focusing on training and proofing higher level skills including threadles and backsides as well as distance/obstacle commitment. Training will be tailored to meet individual teams where they are at.


Instructor: Lindsey Wallace

July 8 from 5 - 8 PM

Limit of 8 working teams

Audit spots available


Working spot at $60/team

Includes one trick dog title evaluation. Additional evaluations at $10 each.


**trick dog title evaluations will be scheduled at a later date to allow for practice after the seminar


**trick dog title evaluations can also now be done by video so if you can’t make the evaluation we will work with you on video submission


Have you ever wanted to impress your friends and neighbors with fun dog tricks? Do you want to learn more about positive reinforcement training and building a better relationship with your dog?


Lindsey has been training tricks from a young age, starting as a child with her pet dogs. Her current dogs have earned multiple trick dog titles and Rye has his elite performer trick dog title, which is the highest level achievable in AKC. As a certified therapy dog, Rye also performs trick shows.


Lindsey will have some fun tricks to work on but she will also be taking requests from those with working spots who have specific tricks they want to learn or work on.


Denise Wedel is an AKC trick dog evaluator and will be doing the title evaluations for those interested. We will schedule evaluations a few weeks after the seminar and will likely have multiple options. More information is available on AKCs website at

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